Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Native American Mascots Controversy! Do you agree or disagree with Having Native American Mascots!!

The Native American Mascot Controversy also known as (MACN) has been a topic of events since the 1960s. Many admire the image as heroism and romanticism evoked by the Native American Image, while others view the use of mascot as offensive, demeaning, or racist. The controversy has resulted in many institutions having to change names and images assoicated with their sports team. The Florida State Seminoles, The Washington redskins and The Atlanta braves are examples of the teams that were involved with the Mascot controversy.

Florida State Seminoles are one of the may teams associated with the controversy, Florida State  University use the Seminoles, and the close tides to the seminole tribe to the Seminoles tribe of florida. vThe university won the nickname "Seminoles"since 1947 and annually crowns a chef and princess homecoming with Seminoles tribe leader participating as celebrants. Since 1978 home football games have opened with the entrance of chief oscesla and Renegade. Florida State officals disapprove of reffering to the human figures "mascots" and asked officals to speak or refer to them as / uing them when the speak of them as symbols, nicknames, and images inspired by the seminoes tradition. In august 2005 the NCCA granted a wavier to FSU which removed the college from NCAA`s list ofcolleges using imagery  on a "hostile or aggrestive manner" towards the Native Americans.

The Washington Redskins logo and name Washington redskins,the name first came about in 1933 in honor of their head coach at the time coach William Henry "Lone Star" Dietz. It  has been a source of controvesy between owners , certain Indian groups, fans, and the United States government. Some say the term "Redskins"is a racial epithet and that the name is demeaning stereotypes of Native Americans. While some believe that the name is honoring achievements and virtues of Native Americans, and that it is not percieved in a negative manner. The origin of the word "redskins" was coined by early settlers in the reference to the skin tone of Native Americans. Many bounty hunters use to kill Native Americans and cutting of sclaps and would refer to them as "redskins". The women by the name of Elizbeth Delacruz stated she believed the term redskins was "used by caucasion settlers as a way to count the number of Indian scalps collected by trappers and other Indian exterminators".There was alot of controversy and protest held. I think people don't really know all the history behind the word "redskin". A term that the dictionary calls offensive genocide, and a disgusting, racist, and offensive way , A term that is used as a racial slur today, A term that brings out disrespect of peoples belief by the teams, fans and mascots, A term that is harmful for/ towards children. Would you really even want to use this word? No, i wouldn't because people take offense and are hurt by the word so why use, respect them and stop using the word.

The Atlanta Braves logo goes back only to 1967. The team goes back to the 1800s and includes controversial native Americans head, tomahawk, land poles, and rustier.The original name was the Boston Red stocking in 1972. The name changing was the first hint. The Boston brave debuted a side portrait of an Indian truly dressed in headdress. The name had been slightly influenced by the owner James Goffney and Tammy Hall, which used head as logo.The logo primarily red trim or gold on the tomahawk and slight blue border. The red symbol symbolizes vitality, strength and to extent a association with red skinned Native American. Blue also gives off a patriotic feel. The script of the lettering also gives of a sophisticated feel for the team. Like all other teams after the braves had been confronted by activist groups, tribal leaders for their insensitivity to minority groups. The braves had considered dropping the Indian logo itself.

Alot of Native people get viewed as the same. It is much disrespectful to their Native culture. People disrespect alot of the Indians sacred items.The redskins unofficial mascot, Chief Zee is an example of a sacred item that was disrespected. In the native American culture the eagle is a sacred bird. The mascot chief zee wears fake eagle feathers, they cannot touch the ground. If they do there is a ceremony that must be done to pick them back up again. During a cowboy vs. Redskins game Chief Zee was wrestling with the cowboys mascot and it was disrespectful to many Native Americans all over the word. That one of their sacred items was disrespected.

Towards children the Native Americans are like clowns they dress funny, do silly dances, all indians have horses, all Indians people wore/ wear headdresses, they make funny noises like "wooooo wooooo woooo", Indian people were warriors and did nothing else. They are all examples of stereotypes Native Americans get and people who dont know the history and were clueless about the mascot controversy like i was. I was asked before in class "it is offensive to use stereotypical images of Native Americans as mascots for sports teams, and these mascots should be changed"? I disagreed with the question i replied "its just a name", but now after really researching and learning facts about the mascot controversy i agree with the question if it is offensive to Native Americans ten they should use native American images as mascots.

"Ais101nicole4." Ais101nicole4. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. http://ais101nicole4.wordpress.com/2011/03/04/the-controversy-over-mascots/.
"Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. http://w"Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. <http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1>.ww.google.com/imgres?um=1Washington Redskins Mascot Controversy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Sept. 2012. Web. 01 Oct. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_Redskins_mascot_controversy.http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=active&sa=N&biw=983&bih=465&tbm=isch&tbnid=dPKzGvZKf-xPTM:&imgrefurl=http://www.lenapeprograms.info/Teacher/mascots.htm&docid=x7FwmII_i3e_YM&imgurl=http://www.lenapeprograms.info/images/08.gif&w=236&h=221&ei=9sVpUP_ELIbs8wTZ3YCoAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=270&vpy=2&dur=921&hovh=176&hovw=188&tx=137&ty=109&sig=116182577410090926595&page=2&tbnh=132&tbnw=141&start=10&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:10,i:134